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A Little Stress Relief

A Little Stress Relief
A Little Stress Relief

I’m going to take a break from Judah’s diagnosis story today to talk about stress. I don’t know about the rest of you, but having a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic child right after a harder-than-my-other-two full term pregnancies right after a miscarriage was super duper stressful. I have struggled with depression my whole life, but I could usually shake it if I made myself do some things I didn’t want to do. There was one time when I was younger I had to take an antidepressant and then again after Judah was diagnosed and I’m still on it. There were some other things going on as well, but I’ll get into that later.

Sooo, I’m not going to talk about antidepressants today, but about some other stress relieving activities you can do, but don’t worry, I won’t get too personal (wink wink, nudge nudge). Although I’ll probably get to being on medication and counseling in another post.

If you met me, you might think I’m crazy for thinking I can give advice on stress relief, because I honestly am super stressed A LOT (if not most) of the time. Sleep deprivation and being responsible for being the pancreas for two kids on top of just normal everyday life is a little stress inducing. HOWEVER, there are some things I’ve found that really help me just let go of what is going on around me and I lose myself in creating.

One of my absolute favorite things to do is play the piano. When I was younger I was really good, but as I’ve gotten older I haven’t practiced as much and just kinda play around at the piano. It is so easy to lose track of time while playing, especially when I get sheet music out and start practicing. Full disclosure: that hasn’t really happened too much lately since my kids come running to take my place on the bench if they ever hear me play. I mostly listen to music now instead of making it, but I love music and listening to it brings me joy. My youngest loves music also and he’s the only one in our family that enjoys listening to classical music with me.

I really enjoy watching painting videos, especially pour painting. It is so mesmerizing! And I love looking at all kinds of paintings and detailed drawings. I wish I was talented enough to create something so beautiful! I’m kind of a rules follower and I think you have to have a little more imagination than I do to come up with such great ideas. Therefore, I have started hand lettering, it’s art that’ll work if I follow the instructions – following the instructions for painting doesn’t always turn out with something presentable. Plus I’ve always loved writing; some people hate filling out all that paperwork at doctors and hospitals, but I LOVE it. I think I could spend all day hand lettering, it doesn’t even have to be words, just practicing different letters helps relieve any stress I feel. My sister used to run a non profit and she would have me write out the table numbers and the place cards for her events. It was so much fun and I’m hoping one day it’ll be something I can do professionally.

I’m not a super technological person (I don’t think I had to say that for y’all to notice 😜), but I’m having a go at an Etsy shop, I thought it would be fun to have a purpose for my stress relief and maybe make a little money to offset some of the cost of taking care of two type 1 kiddos. It’s mostly hand lettering (and only digital prints) and I love it, so it’s not really like work. If you want to check it out, you can go here. The name of the shop is PrintcessButtercup – Judah had just watched the Princess Bride and he LOVED it (as everyone should) and he and Zoe Kate were my motivation for opening the shop so it seemed appropriate.

I have a special 20% off coupon here if you want to go shop!

I’ve talked a lot about myself this post, because, let’s face it, parenting is stressful! And not just for parents of type diabetic kiddos, but every kiddo! And it’s because we all love them so much and want to be the best parents we can be and we want good for them even when they don’t think that’s our motivation. I have a little example of that from yesterday: Owen (3yo) attempted to jump from the couch to the loveseat, but it was a little too far away and he fell. He, of course, cried and as soon as I knew he was ok and he stopped crying, I told him that’s why I didn’t want him jumping from one piece of furniture to another, it wasn’t because I didn’t want him to have fun. I know that’s a pretty small example, but I’ve just been thinking that our kids don’t necessarily see that the things we tell them to do are for their good and that we know what we’re talking about because we’ve (most likely) made those same mistakes. Not to say that parents never make mistakes (I know I’ve already made so many and my oldest is only 7!), but goodness, we’re trying! Oh and if you make a mistake parenting, apologize to your kids.

Sorry! That’s not what I meant to write in that paragraph, it just came out! What I was going to say is: it’s stressful being a parent, but it’s also stressful to be a kid. I know Judah and Zoe Kate get tired of taking care of diabetes and sometimes they’re scared about what could happen to them because of having type 1 diabetes. Sometimes lows are scary, sometimes being high and feeling sick is scary. They need stress relief also. One thing Judah and Zoe Kate have started doing is YouTube videos about diabetes and they’ve had a lot of fun doing it!

Their channel is T1 Double Dose and if you want to watch their videos, you can check them out here. I highly recommend giving them a watch!

Judah is really into technology, but Zoe Kate is a little more like me when it comes to stress – she needs to craft! When she gets overwhelmed, she will regularly disappear to draw a picture or make a card for someone (lately she’s been making fans for everyone). It’s fun to have that in common with her. She says she wants to be an artist when she grows up.

In summation, it’s important to do something you enjoy for yourself. Find someone you trust that can watch your kiddo and relax for a minute. It’s so hard being on call 24/7, I feel your pain! Do something that brings you joy!

What are some activities you enjoy when you’re stressed and need an outlet? What about your kiddos?


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